School Supplies for All!

Students at El Buen Samaritano have started school again! January is a big month for the center as they get students set up for another year of learning and growing. Friends, you did something really amazing. You provided 60 students with ALL the supplies on their school list. This might not seem like a huge accomplishment, but take it from a school teacher, this is a big deal! Having all of your students ready with the necessary supplies is a game-changer in the classroom. You can create plans for students knowing they have the means to accomplish the tasks. Students don’t have to be embarrassed about their lack of means or materials and can come to school with confidence.

In Oregon WI, we have extra supplies to give to students that can’t afford the necessary materials. In Guatemala, there is no such luxury. So if students come unprepared, they may not be able to engage fully in the learning. This is a real barrier that you, our dear donors, have kicked down and run over. Danny (co-director) told us that all the students have never had all necessary supplies before and have missed out on key learning because of it. 2017 is going to be a year for academic growth and you are to thank - so, thank you!